- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
смею предположить в данной ситуации, что он испугался торта или того, кто из него выскочил XD
- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
Лев на привязи пля..да я про аву свою! Крис как бэ задумался...
вижу я, что на фото Стив...уж его теперь по всем местам узнаю ну почти...
- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
на год вперед набухаются))) точнее на два месяца вперед)) потом вся будут в завязке)
- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
или того, кто из него выскочил XDвижу я, что на фото Стив...уж его теперь по всем местам узнаю
вот ведь
очень оправданный хиатус вышел