- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
я их хотела...но в итоге мы пошли в пицерию и довели официЯнта до истерики опять?!
- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
- You were worried about me. - Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car. - I'm touched.- Yeah, you're touched. You're touched in the head. You are touched by something that I cannot explain. (c)
а вокруг нашего мультифандомного сборища скоро начнут круг из соли делать)))
Plume я их хотела...но в итоге мы пошли в пицерию и довели официЯнта до истерики